‘吃饭、睡觉、编码、循环反复’ 简直就是胡说八道

'Eat, sleep, code, repeat' is such bullshit

Posted by Roger on June 23, 2016

“Eat, sleep, code, repeat” is such bullshit

除了 coding ,还剩下什么? 如果我把所有的时间都用来代码,我是否能成为最顶尖的 coder ?这篇博文也许能给你一些新的观点。


“Eat, sleep, code, repeat” is such bullshit

‘吃饭、睡觉、编码、循环反复’ 简直就是胡说八道

Despite the hype, programming is not an all or nothing endeavor


I’m on my way back home from Google I/O 2016. It was a fantastic conference — I met some great people and learned a lot.

我正在从 Google I/O 2016 大会回家的路上,在大会上我遇到了许多厉害的人也学到了很多,真是一个完美的盛会。

But while I was there, I saw something horrifying, something I couldn’t shake from the moment I saw it…



“Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat.” was printed on everything. I’d seen the phrase before, but this time it burned into my brain, probably because it was being so actively marketed at a large conference. I literally let out an “ugh” when I saw it.

‘吃饭、睡觉、代码、循环反复’ 这段标语被打印在任何地方,之前我已经见过这段标语,但是这一次它似乎深入骨髓,也许是因为在如此甚大的会议中它是如此的活跃。当我看到它时我情不自禁的哼了一声“嗷”。

What’s the big deal? It’s just a shirt.


Look, I get it — Google I/O is a developer conference, and the “eat, sleep, code, repeat” phrase is intended to be a clever way (albeit a completely unoriginal one) of saying “coding is awesome and we want to do it all the time!” I appreciate the enthusiasm, I do.

你看,其实我是了解的 —— 谷歌 2016 大会是一个开发者的盛会,‘吃饭、睡觉、编码、循环反复’ 这个标语其实也是一个聪明的方式(尽管也不是原创)来表达 ‘写代码是很酷的,我想要无时不刻都在编码’,我赞赏这种热情,我十分赞赏。

But there’s a damaging subtext, and that’s what bothers me. The phrase promotes an unhealthy perspective that programming is an all or nothing endeavor — that to excel at it, you have to go all in. It must be all consuming and the focus of your life.


Such bullshit. In fact it’s the exact opposite.


At Basecamp I work with some of the best programmers in the world. It’s no coincidence that they all have numerous interests and talents far outside of their programming capabilities.

在 Basecamp 公司我和一些世界上最出色的程序员一起工作。这并非巧合,他们都有许多不同的兴趣爱好,并且在这些爱好中展现的天赋远远超过他们的编程能力。

Whether it’s racing cars, loving art, reading, hiking, spending time in nature, playing with their dog, running, gardening, or just hanging out with their family, these top-notch programmers love life outside of code.


That’s because they know that a truly balanced lifestyle — one that gives your brain and your soul some space to breathe non-programming air — actually makes you a better programmer.

这是因为他们非常明白真正平衡的生活方式 —— 一种能给你的大脑和灵魂呼吸一些非编程空气的生活方式 ,事实上这能将你变成一个更好的软件开发者。

Life outside of code helps nurture important qualities: inspiration, creative thinking, patience, flexibility, empathy, and many more. All of these skills make you a better programmer, and you can’t fully realize them by just coding.


Don’t believe the hype


It’s no secret that the tech industry loves hyperbole. How will you ever reach the coveted title of ninja, rock star, or wizard if you don’t spend all your waking, non-eating hours programming?!


I’ll give my standard advice: ignore the hype.


It’s wonderful to be so dedicated to your craft that programming is all you ever want to do. I love that enthusiasm. It can carry you to great heights.


But if you want to become the very best programmer you can be, make space for some non-programming activities. Let your brain stretch its legs and you might find a whole new level of flow.


When I’m not programming, I love being a dad. I also enjoy donuts and pizza.


And when I’m not thinking about kids, donuts, or pizza, I do my best programming for Basecamp 3 and its companion Android app.

并且当我不去思考我的孩子,甜甜圈或者是披萨时,我尽全力完善 Basecamp 3 以及配套的 Android App。



Work Hard Play Hard . Work for life . Enjoy your life ~